Grace Students exists to be a biblically faithful and spiritually fruitful student ministry that teaches God’s word, invests in students and families, and mobilizes the next generation to be faithful lifetime followers of Christ.
Meeting times:
- Middle School (5th - 8th Grade) meets at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings.
- High School (9th - 12th Grade) meets at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings.
Grace College exists to raise up and equip faithful and fruitful members of the body of Christ who know God’s word, grow in the faith and develop as leaders who serve and servants who lead, and go to the nations for the glory of Christ.
TARGETS: What we desire to be characteristic of anyone who comes under the influence of our NextGen ministries.
Gospel Fluent: Where the truths of God revealed in the person and work of Jesus Christ determine who you are and how you live your day to day life.
Grounded in the Word: Where the word of God is the ultimate, trustworthy, inspired, and infallible authority for knowing God and living for Him.
Communally Missional: Where the local church is integral, necessary, and indispensable to fulfilling the Great Commission.
Family-Oriented: Where the church is seen as the family of God who makes disciples of the next generation by equipping parents to make-disciples and preparing students to be disciple-makers in their everyday lives.
Day by day devotion: Where the habits of grace - prayer, bible study, corporate worship- are the means by which God is enjoyed and glorified.