Join us as Cliff Myers preaches from Acts 4:1-23 in a sermon titled “Outnumbered but not Over powered.”
Filled with the Spirit-AND- Being Led By the Spirit
Join us as Cliff Myers preaches from Acts 3:1-11 in a sermon titled “Filled with the Spirit-AND- Being Led By the Spirit
Because He Lives
Acts 2:14-42
The Motivation of the Gospel
Join us as John Wilson takes us to John 21:15-25 with the sermon tilted “The Motivation of the Gospel”
Know Christ and make Christ known
Join us as JonSeth Sammons brings us the message titled “Know Christ and make Christ known”
Joyful way of obedience
Join us as Jim Wells brings us the message titled “Joyful way of obedience”
Beginning Again with the Gospel
Join us as John Wilson preaches from John 21:1-14 with a sermon titled "Beginning Again with the Gospel."
Life's Circumstances- How Do You Respond?
Join us as we examine James 5:12-20 as Cliff Myers gives us the message titled “Life Circumstances- How Do You Respond?”
What Advent Cultivates
Join us as Collin Dollar preaches on James 5:7-11 titled “What Advent Cultivates”.
Almost Home
Larry Sweat preaches from James 5:1-6 in a sermon titled “Almost Home.”
"If The Lord Wills"
Dane Caldwell brings this sermons from James 4:13-17.
I'm Not Saying This Again!!
Join us as Caleb McVay preaches on James 4:11-12 in a sermon titled “I’m Not Saying This Again!”
God's Plan to Win the War
The Heart of the Problem
Join us as Dr. John Wilson preaches from James 4:1-10 in a sermon titled “The Heart of the Problem”.
When Our Life and Our Lips Don't Agree Part 2
Dane Caldwell brings a sermon from James 3:13-18
When our life and lips don’t agree
Join us as Dr. John Wilson preaches from James 3:1-12 in a sermon titled “When Our Life and Lips Don’t Agree”.
The Proof is in the Pudding
Join us as Larry Sweat preaches from James 2:14-26 in a sermon titled The Proof is in the Pudding.
When Faith Meets Reality
Join us as Caleb McVay preaches from James 2:1-13 “When Faith Meets Reality.”
Practicing What We Preach
Collin Dollar bring a sermoned entitled Practicing What We Preach out of James 1:19-27
Sin from Start to finish
Join us as Dane Caldwell preaches on James 1:13-18 with the sermon tilted “Sin from Start to finish”