Join us as John Wilson preaches from John 21:1-14 with a sermon titled "Beginning Again with the Gospel."
Beginning Again with the Gospel
Join us as John Wilson preaches from John 21:1-14 with a sermon titled "Beginning Again with the Gospel."
Life's Circumstances- How Do You Respond?
Join us as we examine James 5:12-20 as Cliff Myers gives us the message titled “Life Circumstances- How Do You Respond?”
What Advent Cultivates
Join us as Collin Dollar preaches on James 5:7-11 titled “What Advent Cultivates”.
Almost Home
Larry Sweat preaches from James 5:1-6 in a sermon titled “Almost Home.”
"If The Lord Wills"
Dane Caldwell brings this sermons from James 4:13-17.
I'm Not Saying This Again!!
Join us as Caleb McVay preaches on James 4:11-12 in a sermon titled “I’m Not Saying This Again!”
God's Plan to Win the War
The Heart of the Problem
Join us as Dr. John Wilson preaches from James 4:1-10 in a sermon titled “The Heart of the Problem”.
When Our Life and Our Lips Don't Agree Part 2
Dane Caldwell brings a sermon from James 3:13-18
When our life and lips don’t agree
Join us as Dr. John Wilson preaches from James 3:1-12 in a sermon titled “When Our Life and Lips Don’t Agree”.
The Proof is in the Pudding
Join us as Larry Sweat preaches from James 2:14-26 in a sermon titled The Proof is in the Pudding.
When Faith Meets Reality
Join us as Caleb McVay preaches from James 2:1-13 “When Faith Meets Reality.”
Practicing What We Preach
Collin Dollar bring a sermoned entitled Practicing What We Preach out of James 1:19-27
Sin from Start to finish
Join us as Dane Caldwell preaches on James 1:13-18 with the sermon tilted “Sin from Start to finish”
Overcoming The Trials Of Life
Join us as Cliff Myers takes us to James 1:5-12 in a sermon titled “Overcoming The Trials Of Life”
God's Growth Strategy 201
Join us as Dr. John Wilson preaches from James 1:1-4 with a title of "God's Growth Strategy 201."
Waiting -- But Not Looking
Join us as Cliff Myers takes us to John 5: 1-14 in a sermon titled “Waiting -- But Not Looking ”
Fear in the Midst of the Storm
Join us as Dane Caldwell takes us to John 6:15-21 in a sermon titled “Fear in the Midst of the Storm”
Church Growth Strategy 101
Join us as Dr. John Wilson takes us to Ephesians 4:7-17 in a sermon entitled, "Church Growth Strategy 101"