In this message, Discipleship Pastor John Wilson preaches a sermon entitled “Praise God All Creatures Here Below” from Jude 24-25. He goes on to explain that some scriptures are just so penetrating and stunning that it leaves us with just one response: to worship the Lord. Before Genesis 1:1, God was worthy to be praised. After the last trumpet has sounded, God will still be worthy of our praise. And as we reflect on what Jesus has done for us and what He is still doing for us as our Great High Priest, God is worthy of our praise right now!
Change I Can Believe In Todd Unzicker Acts 9
If God can change a man like Saul into one of Christianity’s biggest advocates then He can change anyone. In this message, guest preacher Todd Unzicker shares the good news of how God loves to save sinners and give us what we all really want: God Himself.
Core Value #3: Mobilizing God's People
How to get Hooked on the 'Good Stuff'
Sin over-promises and under-delivers. This world seeks to conform us into its image and offers us a false, fleeting peace. We can never be satisfied when drinking from a broken cistern. In this message, Dr. Richie Allen urges believers to get hooked on the gospel that what it offers lives up to what it claims to give- true satisfaction. The invitation is to taste and see that the Lord is good and in light of God’s mercies, the logical response is to lay our lives down and live for the things of God.