A Step Up in Faith
What kind of faith does Jesus want us to possess? In this sermon entitled “A Step Up in Faith” from John 4:46-54, Dr Richie Allen discusses the 2nd sign that Jesus performed in the book of John.
Count Your Blessings - Genesis 49:28-33 - Grace Church Bonifay - Dr. Richie Allen
Dealing with the Distress of Death - Genesis 50:12-26 - Grace Church Bonifay - Dr. Richie Allen
Follow along with us this week as we conclude this sermon series at the end of Genesis. We look at how death can resurrect unburied past problems.
How the Future Shapes Up Part 2
In this message from Genesis 49:8-12, Dr Richie Allen preaches on the last words of Jacob to his son Judah, a prophetic word that shaped the future of all mankind. The lion from the tribe of Judah would come one day to rule and to reign.
How the Future Shapes Up Part 1
In this message from Genesis 49:1-7, Dr Richie Allen preaches on how the past and sin patterns in the lives of Reuben, Simeon and Levi have an effect on their next generations. But there is good news, there is something that is stronger and more powerful than our family of origin and that is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Blessed and Blessing
In this message from Genesis 47:1-10, Dr Richie Allen explains in this sermon “Blessed and Blessing” how believers have been blessed by the Lord. However, there is a reason why the Lord has blessed us in order that we will be a blessing to others.
Regular Behavior for a Revived Believer
In this message from Genesis 46:1-7, Jacob’s spirit had been revived when he believed the good news that Joseph was alive and reigning. Dr Richie Allen describes the behavior that Moses describes seen in Jacob that one can expect from someone who has been revived. What do they prioritize and what do they proceed by? Find out in this message as we can continue our series in the book of Genesis.
Getting to God's Destiny
In this message from Dr Richie Allen, he takes us through Numbers 11:16-17 as Grace Church looks to God’s word as new leadership is established at Grace Church. Every time a member or leader is added to the membership role, we should be taking one step closer to “Getting to God’s Destiny” for our church.
Bound to Fall Apart
In this message from Genesis 44, Dr Richie Allen preaches a sermon from Genesis 44 as we continue our series on “Lessons in Leadership”. Something amazing happens when we confess our sin, He is faithful and just not only to forgive us our sins but to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Before you can do what God is calling you to do, there are some character traits that we need to develop in us. In this message, Dr Richie Allen preaches from Genesis 43 a sermon entitled “Before” in our series “Lessons in Leadership”.
Spiritual Warfare Ladies Conference Part 1
Guest speaker Kerri Helsel led the women of Grace Church through a study on the topic of Spiritual Warfare. The struggle is real and learning to stand firm and to how to put on the armor of God is key if we are to do anything of eternal value for the Kingdom of God.
Spiritual Warfare Ladies Conference Part 2
Guest speaker Kerri Helsel led the women of Grace Church through a study on the topic of Spiritual Warfare. The struggle is real and learning to stand firm and to how to put on the armor of God is key if we are to do anything of eternal value for the Kingdom of God.
When God Closes In
In this message from Genesis 42, Dr Richie Allen preaches on “When God Closes In”. To prepare us to do ultimately what He has planned for us to do find out some principles of what God does when He closes in on us.
Your Day in His Program
There is coming a day as Christ’s workmanship that we be prepared to do the good works that God has planned for us long ago. In this message from Genesis 41, Dr Richie Allen speaks to us on the subject of “Your Day in His Program”. Will you be ready when it is your turn to stand up at the plate?
Proving Your Prepared for a Promotion
In our series “Lessons in Leaderships”, Dr Richie Allen speaks on some characteristics evident in person of Joseph in Genesis 40. Every single one of us has the potential to becoming a leader in the Kingdom of God, find out if you are prepared to take that next step!
Excursus on the Nature of Revelation
In this message, Dr Richie Allen goes on an excursus on the nature of revelation. How has God spoken and how does God speak today? This is a much needed word to the church today.
Learning to Lead in the School of Hard-Knocks
In our series “Leadership Lessons in Genesis”, Dr Richie Allen gives some biblical principles of leadership that Joseph learned the hard way in Genesis 39.
Profile of a Prospective Leader
In this message from Genesis 37, Dr Richie Allen gives us a “Profile of a Prospective Leader” shown to us through the life of Joseph. We believe that every believer has the potential of becoming a leader that God can use in a mighty way to build His church and advance His kingdom.
Things Aren't as They Seem
In this message, Thomas Gamble walks us through what Psalm 73 teaches us: Things Aren’t as They Seem.