When A Man Loves A Woman

In this message from Ephesians 5:23-33, John Wilson preached a sermon entitled “When A Man Loves A Woman”. When we understand the standard of how a husband is called to love his wife, it can leave husbands deflated and defeated. However, the Lord will never give us a command without also the grace to keep it. There is sometime more important about why God ordained this mystery that we call marriage.

What God Does When A Believer Says No

In this message from Jonah 1:4-17, Dr Richie Allen preached a sermon entitled “What God Does When A Believer Says No”. The severity of God’s grace sometimes feels like God is angry with us when, in fact, God disciplines those whom He loves. As believers, it is important to not mistake God’s anger with God’s affection. His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts! They are MUCH HIGHER!

No Secrets!

In this message from Mark 15:42-16:8, Dr Richie Allen finishes our series in the book of Mark with a sermon entitled “No Secrets!” The Resurrection of Jesus changes everything. It is the single most important event in all of Christianity that now the people of God worship their Risen King on every Sunday because it will forever be known as Resurrection Day. What will the people of God do with this news? How does it change us forever?

The Centrality of the Cross

In this message from Mark 15:15-41, Dr Richie Allen preached a sermon entitled “The Centrality of the Cross”. The Cross is the central theme in redemption history and more is happening than what meets the eyes. Grace is being poured out on sinners while the crowd is mocking Jesus. As Jesus breathes His last, the veil is torn and the purpose of the cross is revealed. Atonement for sin and the Propitiation of the wrath of God is all accomplished for one reason, we now have access to God through the blood of Jesus.