In this message from 1 Corinthians 12:1-26, Dr. Richie Allen preached a sermon entitled “What Does it Mean to be Spiritual?”. For the next few chapters, this is the apostle Paul’s main theme. Take a bird’s eye view with us as we look at what it looks like for a believer to be spiritual.
When the Church is the Church
In this message from 1 Corinthians 11:17-34, Dr Richie Allen preached a sermon entitled “When the Church is the Church”. When the church is really who God has called her to be inside the walls of its corporate worship gatherings, the body of Christ is edified and encouraged. Leaders are developed and light is displayed for a dark world to see. We talk often about being the church outside of the walls, but are we also being the church inside of the walls?
Culturally Appropriate Public Worship
In this message from 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, Dr Richie Allen preached a sermon entitled “Culturally Appropriate Public Worship”. In this difficult text to understand, does God care how we act in our corporate worship service? If the worship of God is of the utmost importance then we better worship Him with the right attitude and avoid the things He says to avoid.
Guidelines for Gray Areas
In this message from 1 Corinthians 10:22-11:1, Dr Richie Allen preached a sermon called “Guidelines for Gray Areas”. Is everything black and white in your life or do from time to time encounter some “gray areas” where you may not know exactly what the Lord would want you to do. There’s good news! The apostle Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, gives us some principles that we can apply to help us navigate these gray areas.
Spiritual Pressure that Prepares us for Winning Part 2
In this message from 1 Corinthians 10:11-13, Dr Richie Allen preached a sermon entitled “Spiritual Pressure that Prepares us for Winning”. In the process of turning a lump of coal to a diamond, pressure is needed. What is the purpose of trials? God’s Word never fails to point to the way of escape and it may not be a door to escape the trial as much as it is a Person who is faithful in the midst of trial.
Spiritual Pressure that Prepares us for Winning Part 1
In this Part 1 message from 1 Corinthians 10:11-13, Dr Richie Allen preached a sermon entitled “Spiritual Pressure that Prepares us for Winning”. In life there are critical junctures where we can do one of two things. We can in faith embrace the test that God has prepared for us and all it to develop us. Or we can respond in disbelief and fall into temptation that satan uses to destroy us.
Spiritual Privileges that Should Promote Winning
In this message from 1 Corinthians 10:1-5, Dr Richie Allen preached a sermon entitled “Spiritual Privileges that Should Promote Winning”. Just as the Lord led the Israelites by a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day to where He desires us to go, the Lord leads His people today. What privileges we have as He continues to make us into the image of His Son, Jesus!
When the Strong Become Roadkill
In this message from 1 Kings 13, Caleb McVay preached a message entitled “When the Strong Become Roadkill”. Sin is subtle and can even take out the strongest followers of Christ if we are not careful to kill sin and run away from it in our lives.
Get Home!
In this message from Joshua 14:6-15, Dr Richie Allen preached a message entitled “Get Home!”. Caleb was just cut from a different cloth. What principles can learn from his life to help get home to God’s preferable future for us?
Winning at Grace in 2023
In this message from 1 Corinthians 9:23-27, Dr Richie Allen preached a sermon entitled “Winning at Grace in 2023”. How is winning defined and what steps must we take to be a Christian and a church that overcomes?
Conquering Cultural Christianity
In this message from 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, Dr Richie Allen preached a message entitled “Conquering Cultural Christianity”. What are some of the characteristics the church at Corinth displayed that Paul was calling them to turn away from. Could the church today be doing some of the same things that we must overcome?
Kindly Confronting our Culture
In this message from 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Dr Richie Allen preached a message entitled “Kindly Confronting our Culture”. The truth may not be popular with our culture but as the people of God we must stand for the truth in love. As the saying goes “truth without love isn’t truth and love without truth isn’t love”.
Crippling Characteristics of Cultural Christianity
In this message from 1 Corinthians 6:1-8, Dr Richie Allen preached a sermon entitled “Crippling Characteristics of Cultural Christianity”.
Who Cares?
In this message from 1 Corinthians 4:14-21, Dr Richie Allen preached a sermon entitled “Who Cares?”. What does pastoral care look like? How can you become a disciple who cares about the spiritual welfare of others? Paul’s message is very clear, imitate me he says.
Focusing on the Family
In this message from Ephesians 6:1-4, John Wilson preached a sermon entitled “Focusing on the Family”. Biblical parenting can be challenging so what steps can parents take to raise their kids in the admonition and discipline of the Lord?
How Do You Look?
In this message from 1 Corinthians 4:1-5, Dr Richie Allen preached a sermon entitled “How Do You Look?”. We shouldn’t think to highly of church leaders, they are just servant and stewards of God who are under-rowers for the church. As we pray for wind to blow to sail the ship in the right direction, we are to keep rowing hard and have the right perspective of ourselves as well. At the end of the day, the approval of one person- Jesus Christ, should be the only thing we should be concerned about.
Your Building Permit Has Been Issued
In this message from 1 Corinthians 3:10-17, Dr Richie Allen preached a message entitled “Your Building Permit Has Been Issued”. Whether we know it or not, every believer is making a contribution to the Kingdom of God. They can either contribute something of value like marble or something that is worthless like straw. There will be a day when stand before the Lord and our contributions will be revealed with fire to test the quality of our work. If our contributions remain, we will receive a reward. If our contributions are burned up, they will suffer loss.
The Tale of the Tape: How Do We Measure Up?
In this message from 1 Corinthians 3:1-9, Dr Richie Allen preached a sermon entitled “The Tale of the Tape: How Do We Measure Up?”.
With Prayer and Fasting
In this message from Mark 9, guest preacher Bill Jessup preached a message entitled “With Prayer and Fasting”. There is a time when the darkness around us is so prevalent that the only way to push back the darkness is with much prayer and fasting.
The Benefits of Spiritual Maturity
In this message, Dr Richie Allen preached a sermon entitled “The Benefits of Spiritual Maturity” from 1 Corinthians 2:6-16. The goal of every church should be to have it’s congregation grow up into spiritual maturity. What privileges the people of God have access to that help them grow into fully functional followers of Christ!