In this message from Mark 5:21-34, Dr Richie Allen preached on “A Model for Mothers to Follow”. When you only have one move remaining, what will you do in desperation to find help and mercy in time of need?
The Pathway to Point B
In this message from Acts 23:1-11, John Wilson preached a sermon entitled The Pathway to Point B. What is God’s Preferred Future for your life and if you find yourself veering off that pathway, how do you get back on the right track? No one showed the gift of encouragement greater than our Lord Jesus and we need it especially when we are fail miserably at times.
One Man
In this message from Mark 5:1-20, Dr Richie Allen preached a sermon entitled “One Man”. Not only do the winds and the waves obey the voice of Jesus but so do demons. There is a spiritual war going on around us whether we realize it or not.
Totally Blown Away
In this message from Mark 4:35-41, Dr Richie Allen preached a sermon entitled “Totally Blown Away”. What has God down lately to totally blown your mind? The problems and storms in your life are just platforms for the Lord to display His Sovereignty.
Mystery Solved! In or Out, Have or Have Not?
In this sermon from Mark 4:1-12, 21-25 Dr Richie Allen explains the difference between those who are inside the Kingdom of God and those who are outside the Kingdom of God. And believe it or not, “our relation to the Word is the litmus test of our identity.”
The Farming Side of Faith: Crop Failure or Bumper Harvest
On this Easter Sunday, Dr Richie Allen preached on the parable of the sower from Mark 4:3-9, 13-20. Anytime people sit under the Word of God there is a response that happens. What happens when we have ears to really hear, will the Word of God produce a crop in us and through us or will the crop fail? Find out in The Farming Side of Faith: Crop Failure or Bumper Harvest!
Loved or Hated?
In this message from Mark 2:13-22, Dr Richie Allen explains why we see two different responses sinners and the self-righteous have to Jesus in a sermon entitled “Loved or Hated?”.
When Jesus is in the House
In this sermon from Mark 2:1-12, Dr Richie Allen explains what it looks like “When Jesus is in the House”. There are some things we need to avoid and there are some things we should enjoy! How determined are you to bring your friends to Jesus to have their greatest need met?
Come To Jesus
In this message from Mark 1:40-45, Dr Richie Allen’s sermon “Come to Jesus” shows a beautiful picture of the gospel at work in the life of a leper who knew Jesus can heal him, but is Jesus willing? Not only is Jesus willing, He flips the question. Now we can walk in obedience, but will we?
Is Biblical Preaching Really Important?
What are some characteristics of churches where biblical preaching is absent? In this message from Mark 1:21-28, Dr Richie Allen discusses the importance of biblical preaching and how it just may be more rare than we sometimes think it is.
Its About Time!
In this message from Mark 1:14-20, Dr Richie Allen preached “Its About Time!” explaining the context of when Jesus first called His disciples as they were fishing. Find out what believers can do to redeem the time!
Living Up to the Introduction
As we begin our new series in the book of Mark, Dr Richie Allen preached this message entitled “Living Up to the Introduction” from Mark 1:1-13. Any my word, does Jesus, the Son of God, live up to His introduction.
Leaders that Churches Need
In this Sunday School lesson, John Wilson discusses what the problem is with the decline of Christianity in America. What is lacking in our churches? The same thing that plagued the church in Ephesus is still a problem for the church at large today. We desperately need more leaders that the Bible describes in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.
Women's Role in Ministry
In our Sunday School hour, Dr Richie Allen tackled one of the more difficult passages in the entire Bible. What does God’s word teach when it comes to ladies using their spiritual gifts in the church? Find out here in this much needed word from 1 Timothy 2:9-15
Living Above Circumstances, Beneath the Surface Part 1
In this message from Dr Richie Allen in John 11, what can you do to be a described as “More than a Conqueror” in the midst of difficult circumstances. Is “walking in the light” something every ordinary believer can do?
Living Above Circumstances, Beneath the Surface Part 2
In this message from Dr Richie Allen in John 11, what can you do to be a described as “More than a Conqueror” in the midst of difficult circumstances. Is “walking in the light” something every ordinary believer can do?
Seeing Clearly in a Muddy Situation
In our series on the 7 signs of Jesus in the book of John, this week we looked at the 6th sign from John 9:1-38. In this message called “Seeing Clearly in a Muddy Situation”, Dr Richie Allen explains how we as the people of God can see more clearly in our present circumstances.
Why the Wind and the Waves?
In this message, Dr Richie Allen preached from Mark 6:45-52 and he describes why the Lord Jesus will use even the storms that come our way for our own good and His glory.
Who is Jesus?
In this message by guest preacher Lewis Miller, we look to the Scriptures to see how the Bible answers this most important question.